Conan Edogawa

Honored Emeritus
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Conan Edogawa last won the day on July 24 2021

Conan Edogawa had the most liked content!

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837 Groovy

About Conan Edogawa

  • Rank
    Star Sailor
  • Birthday December 4

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  • Favorite Fandoms
    Animal Crossing
  • Favorite Pairings
    stopping x the ancien regime

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  1. this is a new edition of LL(SC) Peace and goodwill to the people of DCC, who are kind, amiable, and above all, considerate. May this forum live to see another day, and will it?
  2. wow, there's so much work done on DCC. great work team! 

  3. First post o' Novembah!

  4. america the beautiful the the the the.

  5. import activity_circlejerk

  6. . .. .... .. ...... . .

  7. Welcome back to our withering refugee camp full of some demoralized fellas. Glad to see one of those ancients who once walked the lands with us sprout back to life. On more personal issues, I'm happy that you're thriving during this convoluted and confusing time - it's been a mess with me for my personal issues at home and some technical issues I'm having with my game and w/ some developmental areas of improvements, pparticularily with differential equations & abstract algebra, two foundational points for higher mathematics. I'm glad to see that you're running a RP server - when
  8. #FirstStatusUpdateOfAugustThatSignifiesNoChangeInThisCommunityRebrandingNeedsToBeSubstantive

  9. Let us be bold.

    1. Savage Rxse

      Savage Rxse

      I prefer italics 

    2. Conan Edogawa

      Conan Edogawa

      Mmm, that's good too. At least we're transformatively reforming.

  10. Status update. Does anyone read this anymore?

    1. Candy


      Idk does anyone really?

    2. Archie


      no clue tbh

  11. Happy Birthday, Kaleb. Did you know that twenty six is the ONLY positive number to be directly in between a square and cube?

  12. Happy (belated) birthday. Did you know that fifteen is lucky, trigonal, hexagonal, and the number of supersingular primes? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Liberty


      me too shawn (& archie)

    3. Candy


      Thanks Mel! 

      Y'all I understand where Shawn and Archie are coming from but Kenzie???? You should've known 🤧

    4. Shawnic
  13. Happy Birthday, Grant!

    Did you know that 05/11/20 is the largest multiplicative persistence?

    1. Grant


      Thank you!

      I did not know that. But now I do. :P