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About Duranduran15

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  1. If anyone thinks there brave enough to conquer the vault of glass or beat kings fall or has journeyed all the way to defeat oryx the taken king you are the type of people I want to recruit so come on down and put your xbox same down we could make lord shaxx proud in the crucible
  2. I'll send a photo of my friend code tommorow
  3. I would love it if anyone would play with me I will send the people interested my friend code Ok I'll be waiting
  4. I would love it if anyone would play with me I will send the people interested my friend code
  5. Glad to see you online! :)

  6. Well this completely my opinion but star wars battlefront is awful game I hate this game with a passion because I loved the franchisee and played with the beta I knew there was not gonna be a single player but really 4 maps to start no matchmaking or ranked matches I am always being killed by people using the dl-44 or han solo gun the state of the game is awful I have no faith for this game I support the fan made game or star wars battlefront 3 the real one not this awful game sorry I have a lot of hate for this game
  7. So um Nintendo get your crap together with zelda u that's really the only reason I bought that thing. Have you heard of ocarina of time 2d
  8. So I know this is my first day here but I want to see what you guys think about this topic. As I go on the internet mainly YouTube I am seeing all these viedos in my feed or subscription box if you will and these viedo are all about people's channels being took down, I'm thinking to myself well what's going on with YouTube's copyright policy because all these viedos are about movie review or viedo games. People are being punished for voicing their opinion on this so called content creator welcomed place. This makes me scared to even start a YouTube channel. So my question what do you guys thin
  9. Hello my name is Angel Duran I hope we have fun in this forum so uh yeah just introducing myself