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Rohan last won the day on July 16 2017

Rohan had the most liked content!

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364 Rad

About Rohan

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  • Birthday 04/17/2000

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  1. Heyy man! What's up? How did entrances go?

  2. Happy birthday! Wow! You rarely come on. Seems like I'm the only one with no life. ;D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raylight


      @Archieever think you could've replied to him earlier than 1 year later

    3. Archie


      More importantly

      Who were u stalking

    4. Raylight
  3. Happy birthday! 

  4. Till today,  the most likes I got on a YouTube comment was 1.3k, that I gained over 2-3 months.  Today,  I got 1.7k, that too in 2-3 hours,  and some subscribers. O_o

    1. Matt


      What did you write?

    2. Rohan


      It was funny only in the context of the video. 

  5. It was raining hard. I got stuck in traffic. The moment I reached home, it stopped.  :|

    1. Jake1702


      Life is just a bed of roses isn't it? XD

  6. Just realized,  YouTube has more followers on Twitter than Twitter's official account. ;D

    1. Agent P

      Agent P

      they should be like instagram and automatically make everyone follow them at account creation

  7. Another evening spent watching Ellen's videos.  SOMEONE HELP!! 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Rohan


      I did that with The big bang theory. And I watched exactly 10. ;D (When my initial plan was to watch just one) 

    3. Is It Really Necessary

      Is It Really Necessary

      Stalk people then. It's great fun.

    4. Candy


      I've done it with a lot of shows so I'm used to it (which is a really bad thing.) 😭😂

  8. When I was young, I used to look up to the guys in the last year of their school as so grown up. Now I am one, I don't have that feeling at all for myself. :/ 

    1. Is It Really Necessary

      Is It Really Necessary

      I used to think kids in sixth were old. 

    2. Candy


      Find new people to look up to ;)

  9. I had a cold. So, I traveled up some altitude, and didn't forget to have some ice cream. #Logic




    1. Emfoofoo


      i wish i had a nearby mountain i could just climb up on. that view looks amazing.

    2. Gramps


      Where was this?

    3. Rohan


      That's in north India.

  10. This doodle is AMAZING! Just press random buttons and you'll end up with a masterpiece. ;D

  11. Hey Rohan! Long time no talk! 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Liberty


      I haven't started college yet

    3. Rohan


      How stupid am I! It's summer. :P
      You must be excited!

    4. Liberty


      I Am very excited.